I have been getting some antsy followers questioning what the plan is. Well, I kinda sorta know. Does that count? Can you believe that since our consult appt with the RE back in May, we haven't seen or talk to the doctor? It's always been with his staff (whom I love, don't get me wrong). I am being told he is reviewing all the tests and relaying the information to his staff who in turn call me with any information or results.
They tell me that the doctor says I am a candidate for the ovulation inducing meds. Candidate? I didn't know I was running in an election. I just thought if I wanted to do it, then we could. Especially after almost 2 years of trying, somethings got to give. And that will be the pharmacists giving me my meds, damnit!
She informed me that as far as a candidate for an IUI, the doctor didn't know because he never received John's latest semen analysis (SA). So until we get those results faxed over to them, they were focusing on the injectible meds for me. They are mailing me some education material about the meds. Then once I read over it and it's something I would like to do, then I call them to set up a time for me to take a class on administering the meds. I assume John will need to come as he will probably help stab...err...I mean administer the meds. I hope he doesn't show great joy in this class as to not make the staff suspicious of his behavior. I have not received the information in the mail yet, so I am not sure when everything is taking place. But I do know it won't be for this current cycle. Which is good as I am going to Texas in a couple weeks and the timing was going to be all wrong.
As for getting John's SA faxed over to the RE, I'm not sure what is so fuckin' difficult about this. Everything about our experience with his Urologist has been a pain in the ass. Insurance, where he can and cannot go for his SAs, who needs to write up his scripts to do the SA, who's responsibility it is to fax this information, and why the hell does his primary physician (PP) have anything to do with any of this. That has been the cause of most of this mess. The Urologist office seems to think that the PP has to fax because they wrote the script. NO!! He did not. You shit heads are the dick specialists that we are seeing. Why on earth would our PP write a script for a jack in a cup, when you morons told him to have it done and you will be reviewing it. This all makes no sense to me. If anyone out there has an explanation for us, please humor us. Anyways, I believe that now we are seeing this RE, he won't need to see them anymore. Crossing my phalanges. (oh and I apologize for all the cursing and name calling. This infertility stuff gets pretty intense as you can see)
With everything said and done, if 2 months worth of injectibles do not work for us, and we are able to do an IUI after that, I am HOPING that the IUI does the trick and we are pregnant for Christmas!
Since currently we are waiting on the next cycle for all this to start happening, my next posts you will meet my dear friends ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor and www.fertilityfriend.com.
Stay tuned :-)
My phalanges are crossed for you, too!