Saturday I hit 6 weeks. It felt like such a huge accomplishment. When I logged into my blog just now and saw the picture on the right of what our baby looks like right now made me smile. It's really starting to look like something recognizable. Baby G is now the size of a lentil bean, about a 1/4 inch in size. When I read that I actually whipped out my ruler just to give me a visual. Not even quite the size of my pinkie nail.
The symptoms I have are sore boobs (hugging can sometimes be unbearable) although I'm enjoying the bigger boobs now a days. Excessive gas and bloat (yes, I said that), H.U.N.G.R.Y. all the time, random headaches (I'm one of the lucky ones that I don't ever had headaches normally), and T.I.R.E.D all the time. Like, last night I went to bed at 8:30. I had my first bout of nausea over the weekend but not to the point of feeling like vomiting. Otherwise I really hope the morning sickness stays at bay. I never had it with Morgan and hope to God that my pregnancy this time mimics my pregnancy with Morgan. Minus the excessive weight gain. If I can try to keep my weight gain about 30 pounds, I'm golden! Last time I gained a shocking 55 pounds. That's just ridiculous. I started out much smaller than I am now too. I already have about 20 pounds on me from 10 years ago.
Looking forward to the next few weeks. I'm so excited that I have the holidays to help distract me from counting down my days of pregnancy. It will help my first trimester fly by. By New Years Day I will be 9 weeks and 3 days! And our next ultrasound next Thursday and hearing a heartbeat is going to be so awesome! I'm looking forward to John's reaction.
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