We received our fertility report this morning!! I was starting to get nervous right before the call not knowing what to expect. The current stats are:
Out of 16 eggs retrieved
15 eggs were mature
Out of the 15 mature
13 fertilized
We are thrilled beyond words for such a wonderul fert report. Nurse Kris who called me with the good news said that Dr. Singh was also thrilled with the outcome that he was doing a happy dance this morning :-) I just love the staff there. Kris has been such a wonderful person to go through this with. She makes me feel like I'm the only patient of hers going through this (even though I know she is juggling between many). She is so bubbly, caring and just as excited for me as I am for us. I can't ask for a better nurse.
So the waiting continues. There seems to always be a waiting period. They will not check on our embabies until the morning of Tuesday 11/13 for our transfer. Of course the number of fertilized can still change. We may only have 10 that made it to day 3. So you never know. But John and I are thrilled that we were able to initially fertilize any eggs, let alone 13 out of 15. We are super geeked!
I'm supposed to arrive at 6:30am for the 7:30 procedure. They will transfer 2 embryos and I will rest there for about a half hour and then go home and play princess for a few days. My activity needs to be at a minimum for the very best chance that this works. Although I do plan on doing an acupuncture appt that day to help me relax.
As always, I will update with any info I receieve. Peace, Love and Embryos!
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