It's been since finding out that cycle #1 didn't work that I've felt like updating. I think I took it a little better than I anticipated although it's still very sad.
Cycle #2 feels a little more promising to me for some reason. I had great response to the meds again. Had 4 maybe 5 mature follicles at the time of trigger shot which was 4/1. IUI was the morning of 4/3 and a little more painful this time. I think due to the girl being more inexperienced than the first lady.
I was most upset at John's numbers. They were extremely low with very low motility. Basically it showed that we only had 10,000 good sperm. It sounds like a high number unless you know how much men really should have. We are talking millions and millions they should have. But I have read that woman have gotten pregnant with those numbers so I can't rule this cycle out quite yet. Although our chances are more slim than the average couple, stranger things have happened. We are also thinking that maybe his vericocele vein surgery may have something to do with it. It's been 3 months since the surgery and it takes 3 months for sperm to regenerate. So if any trauma or sickness happens, usually it takes about 3 months to show any change in a man's sperm count and quality.
Today I am 10pdiui (dpiui=days past iui). I go in on Tuesday 4/17 for my pregnancy bloodtest. That is, if I make it that far. Last cycle I started my cycle before the testing day. I have a busy weekend ahead of me so the time should fly by. Keep the prayers coming. Lord knows we need it! Thanks again for everyone's support :)
Thinking of you GG! I test on Tuesday too! Hoping for good news from both of us!