In all honesty, though, (not that the above isn't true) I love being pregnant. Being pregnant 10 years ago is certainly a little different on my body than now. But I will take it if it means baby girl will be in my arms before we know it.
Baby G moves SO much. Like almost all the time. A total show off. She gave John and Morgan quite the show about a week ago or so. Yesterday we went to another elective 3d/4d ultrasound. She is head down, butt up and all on my right side. ALWAYS on my right side. Because of this I think it's the reason why I have so much back pain on my left side. She weighs approx. 2 pounds now according to books and online websites. The tech showed us that she has hair already. It was so surreal to see her looking like a real baby with real fat on her. Her nose, mouth, cheeks and hands are so perfect. I just wanted to kiss them. We just can't wait to meet her!
We have been working hard prepping her room. It's all painted and sorta put back into order. We just need to get the dresser and start decorating the walls. My mom and I have been busy making the curtains. Goodness! I had no idea how much work this would be until we started. But it's worth it. We got one panel done and all I have to do is sew the other panel and we can hang them. They are incredibly beautiful and by making them we saved at least $100. I also made her a personalized bedroom door wreath. I have been getting this crafty bug in me and I just love making all this stuff. I even bought stuff to make her some head bands and head pieces for her newborn photo shoot. Can't wait til this little pumpkin is in our lives
Had my doc appt this week. Took the 1 hour glucose test. I passed it so one less thing to worry about. No gestational diabetes for me. I return in 3 weeks and then the every 2 week appts start. We are getting close!
Currently I'm fighting a nasty head cold. I was home sick Thursday and Friday. Hoping I feel a little better to function at work Monday. Otherwise, I may just take one more recovery day. Right after the ultrasound yesterday, I went to the bathroom to blow my nose and I sprung myself a pretty gnarly nose bleed. It was pretty bad. And just when I thought I had it a little under control, I went out to the waiting room where my mom and John were, and it got bad again. There was another family in the waiting room. How embarrassing! I just walked right out to the car. I wasn't going to sit my head back in the waiting room bleeding from my nose while other people waited. It cleared up but I'm still feeling pretty miserable.
With all this being said, I will leave ya with some pictures, then it's off to bed for me.
18/28 week comparison
The start of the baby's room. A bright yellow and of course a giant giraffe ;)
I just love the dark furniture against the yellow walls.
One of the ruffled curtain panels. It's so incredibly gorgeous! Can't wait to hang them.

More prepping. This killed my back

Sweet baby girl at 28 weeks. I can't get over those lips and nose
She had her hands by her face almost the whole time. Looking very dramatic already ;)
I suppose this would be her name reveal. Ivy's bedroom door wreath