Monday, February 27, 2012


We are officially qualified for the study! I am so excited! I still can't believe we were given this opportunity. My appointment on 2/13 consisted of a preliminary ultrasound to just check everything out. They said it all looks good. They took some blood and I was on my way. Next day I was told we were good to go for the study and to call them when my next cycle started. My cycle started on 2/23. I had an appt on 2/24 for ultrasound, bloodwork and to get my meds. I was randomly selected for pills. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the injectibles, but I'm ok with it now. Pills are simply easier. I started those Saturday. It's 5 days worth of pills. I am on day 3 today. I go back on Friday for an ultrasound and more bloodwork. They are going to measure my follicles to see how I'm responding to the meds. I may or may not have to come back 1 or 2 more times for ultrasound depending on the size of the follicles and if they are mature. Once they give me the go ahead, I will be given a trigger shot (HCG shot) to force my body to ovulate. 36 hours after the shot I will go in and have the IUI done. This will happen next. Cross your fingers and toes, pray real hard and think positive thoughts that this works for us. The more people on our side the better :-) Thank you everyone! We love you all!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Could 2012 be our year?!?

It’s already February….of 2012!! Blows my mind how fast time has gone since 9/19/09…our wedding anniversary. The very day we decided to try to get pregnant. Why waste time? I already have a child, let’s get this show on the road. And what a long road that has been. Never in our wildest dreams did this ever cross our minds.

This time, I have good news! No, I’m not pregnant, BUT it’s about getting there. John and I are in the qualification process to participate in a research study through Wayne State University on unexplained infertility. My co-worker was listening to the radio and heard an ad about this research study needing participants on unexplained infertility. She gave me the number to call. I called on a Wednesday after work and left a message. They called me back Thursday morning and I scheduled my first appointment for Friday. It happened so quick! The first appointment was answering a lot of questions about my health, family health history and etc. Then they drew some blood for some testing. I have to provide copies of our past tests like my HSG, PAP, and his latest SA. I have another appointment February 13th for an ultrasound and some additional bloodwork. Once I pass everything and John’s SA shows at least 5 million motile sperm, we are in the study! I don’t think we will have a problem qualifying.

This study covers up to a maximum of 4 months of medicated IUIs. We get put into the system and are randomly selected for 1 of 3 fertility drugs. 2 of which I have already taken before. Clomid, Menopur and Femera. I have taken 2 months of Clomid before. That stuff is evil. Bad side effects and I didn’t respond that great to it. I took Menopur which is the injectable kind, back in October for only one month. I responded really well to that drug and I pray I get selected for it for the study. Femera is a pill form just like Clomid. I have never used Femera but have heard good things about it compared to Clomid. Less side effects for sure. One thing is, is that if I get selected for a pill form drug, I, nor the doctors will know which one it is. They have the pills coated exactly the same. We won’t know until after the study is over. But if I get selected for Menopur, I will know because it’s the only one that is injectable.

And for those who aren’t sure what IUI is…it stands for Intrauterine Insemination. It’s where they inject the sperm into my uterus to get them closer to my egg at the right time. At my RE office, this procedure is $1000 per month and that doesn’t include the meds. So we are getting all of this at no cost to us!

All of this could happen as early as the end of this month when my new cycle starts. Seems so surreal that this really could be what we need.

Oh and John is doing great post-surgery. We did let the study coordinators know about John’s recent surgery. We are not sure what the surgery has done to his swimmers thus far. It’s only been about 5-6 weeks. He isn’t due to provide an SA until end of March. The study coordinator didn’t seem concerned and said that all we need to do is provide his latest SA and as long as he has 5 million motiel sperm, he qualifies. During our first IUI, they will take a look at his sperm to get a better look at what the surgery has done so far. For all we know, it could be worse before it gets better. She said if he doesn’t qualify for the study during the first IUI, then we can hold off a few months and jump back into the study. So I am very hopeful.

Will update after my next appointment. Wish us luck!